Is there any significant change when the year turns?
Is there any Biblical evidence to support such a notion?
The notes in pdf:
A Bible-based teaching by George E Markakis, January 1, 2024, for Bible-believing people, that tries to explain the “mystery” of “Time” in God’s Creation, and how we are called to respond to the call of God; that is, when we understand the call of God regarding “Time”.
So, what’s the big deal when we go from Dec.31 to Jan.1?
Is that not just another day, like all the others? Why do people place so much emphasis with “resolutions for the new year”, “prophetic words for the new year”, prayers for the new year, and so on?
Now, assuming something significant is indeed related to the turn of the calendar year; and assuming that can be supported by the Holy Scriptures as a principle that was instituted by the Creator God, ought that also be of any interest to the born-again believers in Jesus? To say it differently, is that of any relevance to the New Testament?