A teaching by George E Markakis, Tuesday 29 March 2022, to the Casa di Preghiera Roma
Ref. http://www.cristosperanzaitalia.it/
The teaching is about the role of the Ecclesia to claim Justice from the Judge against the Adversary
The complete document of the teaching is available in pdf:
The subject of this teaching is much more serious and foundational than what it appears to be at first, when looking at a simple parable, of a simple widow.
Through this parable that has the appearance of being so simple, Jesus explained a rather deep, foundational calling of the Ecclesia. That is to claim Justice from the Adversary.
The word “ANTIDIKOS” used in the original Hellenic here, needs to be understood in the context of a Court Trial, which is “DIKE”, whereby the “ANTI-DIKOS” identifies not just any adversary, but specifically the legal adversary, the legal opponent.
Moreover, “Give me justice against” in the original Hellenic is one verb, “EKDIKEO”, again on the basis of “DIKE” (Court Trial) with the prefix of “EK”, “EK-DIKEO”, which means “give me justice”, or, “avenge me” as other translations render it.
So, this is all about a Court Trial, where there is a Judge who is portrayed as an unjust one, in other words, one who does not care for Justice. That probably indicates that this Judge wanted a bribe to judge in your favor, irrespective of objective Justice. Now that is also an important factor, because in fact this parable speaks about God as the Supreme Judge. However, God is not unjust, but Jesus wants to make a strong point through this parable, so He uses the extremes of a Judge who is all powerful and unjust, and a widow who is totally powerless and unable to help herself, yet, she manages in the end to get the Justice that she needed from her Adversary.
Through this seemingly simple parable, Jesus explained a most foundational calling of the Ecclesia, which is to claim Justice from the Adversary, who is the Accuser of the brethren in Revelation 12:10. That would be Satan, who accuses the brethren before God, day and night, until the day that he’d be cast down when overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony of the saints who did not love their lives unto the Death, as written in Revelation 12:11.
Two keys which unlock this parable:
One, the words of the widow, “Give me justice against my adversary”.
Two, the assurance that she displayed that if the Court Trial would be held, she would certainly get Justice against her adversary even though the odds were against her, because the Judge was not a good one, but an unjust one. Yet, she persisted!
These two keys explain, first, the calling of the Ecclesia to claim Justice against the Injustice perpetrated by the Adversary, Satan.
Secondly, they reveal God’s Promise which is hidden within the message of the parable – that is, the widow’s absolute assurance that she will get justice from the adversary.
If an unjust Judge would certainly grant her Justice in the end even though a widow is totally powerless and he is all powerful, then how much more would God grant Justice to the Ecclesia, and more specifically as it is written in verse 6, “shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?”
The subject of Justice is the foundation upon which the entire work of Salvation is standing. It is God’s offer of salvation through faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Jesus died to atone for the sins of the world, so that God, the Supreme Judge, could grant forgiveness of sin to every person who would accept this gift of reconciliation with God, by faith in Jesus as the Son and the Christ of God, who gave Himself up as a sacrifice for the redemption from Sin.
God first sent His Son Jesus, and anointed Him to become the sacrifice for Justice to be done by means of death, because the penalty for Sin is Death. Then, through Jesus, God sent the Ecclesia to fulfill the Priestly duty of claiming Justice from God as the Supreme Judge, on the basis of the priestly sacrifice of Jesus, through the redemption of sin by the Blood of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.
This parable is about Prayer, as it is written in verse 1, “He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart”, or, “not become discouraged” (that is a different translation).
The parable closes with reference to Faith, in verse 8: “I tell you that He will swiftly grant them justice. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find that faith on earth?”
These two words Prayer and Faith are significant concepts in the life in Christ. Thanks to this parable, a new, deeper and wider dimension is revealed as opposed to the simple concepts of prayer and faith as they sound in everyday life.