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Teaching the Prophetic, Session 2 of 2, Sat 13 Feb 2021

C. The most basic types of the prophets.

1) The prophet who sees; this is the most common type of prophet that has been present since the pre-Christ era. Even though there are major differences between the pre-Christ and in-Christ prophets, the gifting of God and its operation remains more or less the same. What has changed is the work of the Spirit, because of the change of God’s Testament.

2) The prophet who speaks; this is the living word of God that flows through the Anointing when it manifests through a person.

3) The prophet who interprets God’s thoughts that he/she receives in the heart and communicates them by means of words or in writing.

D. The triune human nature: spirit, soul and mind.

– The genuine prophetic flows out of the spirit of man (the “heart”), whereas the thoughts of the intellect and the emotions of the soul may be a hindrance that stops the genuine, or, a filter that perverts the message, or, produce “prophecies” even when the Spirit of the Lord did not “speak”.

– We need to learn how to remove the influence of our own intellect and emotions, and how to release the genuine prophetic anointing which springs forth through man’s spirit, without interfering in anyway with the word that God wants to speak through us.

E. The different realms where various spirits operate.

1) The eathly realm; this is where the spirit of the world operates; this is where man’s carnal nature prevails.

2) The heavenly places (or heavenlies); this is the demonic realm where Darkness prevails, yet, it is also where “we were seated together with Jesus” (Eph.2:6).

3) The realm of Heaven (also called “third heaven”, and “paradise” in 2 Cor.12:2-4) where the Presence of God is; known also as “the Throne Room”.

– Prophets need to be aware of the different realms, and trained and able to make the transition from the earthly/carnal, through the heavenly places, and into the realm of Heaven, so that having been filled in the spirit (or by the Spirit) to enter into the Presence of God.

– This in-spirit-transition is called “to be filled with the Spirit” in the Bible (or be filled IN the spirit), and music is very important for this process (2 Kings 3:15).

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