This is the opening session of “An Encounter with the Lord”, a Conference of a Church in Parschlug, Austria, called (in English) “The Lord’s Glorious Light”.
Stefan, the Pastor of this new Church, which started about 3 years ago, invited George E Markakis to lead this prophetic gathering, which may help clarify the identity and the vision of this Church.
In this opening session, the speaker honors the spiritual father of the bigger spiritual family, where the Pastor grew up, which was based in Graz, and was also the speaker’s spiritual family over the previous 20 years.
The speaker started explaining the bigger “work” of God over the last 4 years since the start of this new decade of the 20’s, and how the first 3 years were like “walking through the valley of the shadow of Death”.
The idea is to help explain the difficulties and challenges that we all faced and had to overcome since the start of 2020; to bring healing and freedom from the pain and aftermath of many bad things that happened since 2020, and to help make the transition to this current new season and “territory” that the Lord is inviting us to possess and dwell in – to be continued in Session 2.
For clarity: this message is very specific to this local Church, as it makes reference to very specific issues known to those who started this Church 3 years ago. However it is still helpful and edifying to everyone else who is interested to learn from the prophetic perspective offered by the speaker; even more so, in the light of the profound, life-shaping experiences since 2020 that affected many churches and people everywhere.