A PROPHETIC PERSPECTIVE of this year’s PENTECOST by George E Markakis
1. INHERIT and INHABIT (22 Feb 2023)
2. Raise-up a new generation of sons and daughters in the course of the next 7 years (April 19, 2023)
3. A time for new outpouring of power (May 4, 2023)
4. 10 days from this year’s Shavuot-Pentecost
This year’s Pentecost is a moment in the timeline of advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth for a new outpouring of power from on high to empower God’s people for the particular new work of the Holy Spirit in the earth – which is related to this new cycle of 7 years leading up to the end of this decade of the 20’s (in preparation of a new move of God in the 30’s).
George E Markakis is a Pastor, and an international speaker;
an apostolic teacher of the Bible and a prophetic minister;
founder of Shalom Apostolic Ministries, based in Hellas (Greece);
co-founder and co-leader of the “Fellowship of Pastors and Leaders” (“Κοινωνία Ποιμένων & Εργατών Ευαγγελίου”), based in Athens, Hellas.
The commission of Shalom Apostolic Ministries:
“Speak Truth, Teach Faith, Build Prayer, Encourage God’s People”.
Cell phone: +30-6943657990
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