This teaching gives God’s Kingdom perspective of the current situation of the world, and what should we be expecting to happen in the future. Are we expecting the persecution of the church? Are we expecting the rise of the “Antichrist”? Are we expecting the Rapture or the Tribulation? In which “trumpet” of the book of Revelation are we?
The answer is NONE of the above… Concerning the timeline of God in the Bible, we are prophetically in the times of Joshua, specifically chapter 5 after Passover, and expecting the strategy of the Lord on how to overthrow the Jericho that is still ahead of us. This is a prophetic “picture” that is not explained in depth in this teaching (it has been explained in other video messages). In this teaching we are reviewing the macroscopic perspective of God’s Kingdom perspective since it started expanding 2000 years ago, after the ascension of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
This is the audio recording of a teaching I did online with the House of Prayer in Rome (Casa di Preghiera “Gesu Cristo Speranza Italia”). The audio recording was made into a video; that is why there is only one still image in this video.