What was God’s Eternal Purpose from before the foundation of the world, for which He created the world – even through Jesus Christ? In other words, WHY did God create the world?
And, WHY did Ap. Paul say these words (Eph. 3:5), that ‘in other ages (this mystery) was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets’?
Ephesians 3:9 and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ;
– who created all things through Jesus Christ (for a purpose)…
10 to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the ECCLESIA to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, 11 according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord …
So, WHAT is the role of the Ecclesia in this grand-master-plan of God, which Ap. Paul said that it is ‘according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord’?
WHAT does God EXPECT of the Ecclesia to accomplish (?) …
God’s expectation of the Ecclesia is to fulfill His eternal plan (the mystery) – and that EXPLAINS why…
Jesus Christ came to the earth,
born as a man (even though God in the flesh),
died on the cross (for the atonement of sins),
his soul went to Hades, where He…
took the keys of Death and Hades,
rose from the dead (by the power of God),
all authority in Heaven and on Earth was given to Him,
He imparted of that authority to His Ecclesia,
ascended to Heaven, where He…
sat at the right of the Father, and He…
poured out from the Father to His Ecclesia on earth ‘the rod of His strength’ (Psalm 110:2),
to empower His Ecclesia,
to fulfill His Father’s eternal purpose (the mystery),
which was hidden in God, from the beginning of the ages!
When we know why we were created, we know what is expected of us.
When we know what is expected of us, we know what we are supposed to do – as Ecclesia. If, when we do not do it, then we fail the entire plan of God and therefore fail our very purpose of existence.
So, we have a better understanding of why God pulled the break on planet Earth, sent from Heaven the mandate for a forced Sabbatical, and shut down the Congregations, so that we may become able to listen to His Voice at this time.
Unless the Ecclesia becomes the vehicle that can accomplish God’s eternal purpose, then the entire plan of God has failed. Because… God’s eternal purpose is not to save souls, but…
‘Hallowed (sanctified) be Your Name (your holy Presence), Your Kingdom come ON EARTH, as it is IN HEAVEN (today), as Your will is (being) done (carried out today by your Ecclesia)…’ so that,
– the enemies of Jesus become the footstool under the feet of Jesus the King who sits on the Throne of David, at the right of the Father, which is also a throne of Grace, because He is the High Priest who mediates between man and God
– which is practically carried out on the basis of what/how the Ecclesia functions as the Royal Priesthood of Jesus Christ
– as an Embassy of God on in the world (where Darkness reigns until all the enemies have been defeated, by the Ecclesia, and have been made the footstool of Jesus).
This video is from the daily LIVE online meetings on Facebook for Bible study, during the isolation enforced because of the coronavirus global pandemic.