The Power of the Word [Session 1 of 3]. A Seminar on Saturday 2 March 2024 by George E Markakis, at the House of Prayer of Pastor Emanuele Di Martino in Rome, Italy.
This teaching follows up on the teaching at the Church “Parola della Grazia” of Pastor Fabio Lugaresi, on Friday 1 March 2024, which is strongly recommended that you watch for your edification and blessing:
There is power in the word to release the blessings of God.
The timing of this Seminar is/was very significant for this ministry, because exactly 10 years before, Pastor Emanuele started a new phase in his ministry, which led to the founding of this House of Prayer in Rome.
The purpose of this Seminar to help us re-discover the Power of the Word. There are two kinds of “word” in which there is power from God:
1) the Word of God
2) the word of the believer
When it comes to the Word of God there are two kinds:
1) The written “Logos”-Word (that has been spoken before)
2) The living “Rhema”-Word (that proceeds from the “mouth of God”)
If/when I do not know the Word, I will also not experience the power that is in it that leads to the real-life experience of the fulfilment of the promises in my own earthly life.
It starts with the entire concept of salvation. Can anyone be saved, in the biblical way, unless they know the Gospel? According to Ap. Paul in Romans ch.10, salvation of a person depends on this person having heard, and then having believed in, the Gospel.
Hence, how blessed are the feet of those who proclaim the Good News, and, how will they believe if they do not hear? Faith then comes by the hearing of the Word of God.
Salvation is a promise, the first promise, and the entrance into the Kingdom of God.
When a person who has believed in the Word of God concerning salvation starts learning more of God’s promises which are in the Bible, then this person needs to undergo the same process and experience in regard to other promises.
E.g. the promise of divine healing of our physical bodies. How will a person develop the faith for healing, unless they have heard that God who saves is also God who heals?
And so the promises of God which are found in the Scriptures continue to be poured out and into a believing man’s heart. When these promises are met with man’s faith, then God’s faith can be poured out from the Lord and into a man’s heart, whereby this man’s faith is now injected with God’s faith for the supernatural transformation of the natural reality of the earth into becoming a mirror image, a reflection of, the supernatural reality of God’s Kingdom in Heaven.
Remember that in all this process the words of Jesus play a vital role; He said “beware how you hear; the measure by which you hear will determine the measure by which you will receive”.
There is one more important aspect in this process of the Word of God becoming a reality in a person’s life on earth; it is the aspect of the living versus the written Word of God.
We usually refer to the living word as “rhema” (which is the original Greek word for a word that is being spoken now), versus “logos” which is a word that has already been spoken.