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There is power in the word to release the blessings of God @Parola della Grazia, Rome, Italy

There is power in the word to release the blessings of God.
Teaching by George E Markakis at the Church “Parola Della Grazia” of Pastor Fabio Lugaresi, in Rome, Italy; in English, translated into Italian by Pastor Emanuele Di Martino, on March 1, 2024

This is the 1st of a series of 5 teachings on the theme of “Rediscovering the Power of the Word”.

There are two kinds of “word” in which there is power from God:
1) the Word of God
2) the word of the believer

When it comes to the Word of God there are two kinds:
1) The written “Logos”-Word (that has been spoken before)
2) The living “Rhema”-Word (that proceeds from the “mouth of God”)

The Scriptures used in the teaching:
2 Chronicles 7:14-15
Psalm 112:1-4 & 7-8
2 Corinthians 8:9
Numbers 6:22-27
Romans 10:14-18

Some notes from the teaching; real life examples in my own life:

Other than healing and other supernatural manifestations related to God’s intervention and manifestation by His Spirit, a powerful example of the Word of God being promised to me is Psalm 112. That became a living “rhema” for me some time in the second half of the 90’s, at a time that I was in depression and my life was in ruins. In spite of the reality in which I lived my life at the time (which lasted for a number of years), I believed that the Word of God was for real, and that the Lord had spoken to me through Psalm 112.

At a later time, more of/from the Word of God came as additional evidence and further increased God’s faith in me through me listening to the Word and believing in it (Him!). That was through:

2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.

The fulfilment did not occur overnight, but needed a process of several years that spanned over decades, but became true, even in spite of all obstacles and real-life adversities that rose up to stop it from manifesting and becoming a real-life testimony of the truth and the power of the Word of God to transform the life of a man who believed in the “rhema” that was spoken to him (me, in this case).

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