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Prophetic time & message @Spirit & Life Church, Napoli Italia

Prophetic time & message at the Spirit & Life Church of Pastor Giovanni Perrella, in Napoli Italia, on 8 June 2023.
George E Markakis ministered prophetically during this service, to both, the people of the church, and the corporate setting as represented by the Pastor (whose calling and delegated authority extends beyond his local church, to the region). The main part of the prophetic word:

“My Spirit is working to change this city. Do not limit your sight to this local church, but what I can do through this local church and through this Pastor to effect a change in this city, this region, and this nation.
This region is already saturated by prayer and worship, but there are important elements missing before my Army may be ready to advance and start conquering the territory for My Kingdom.
A key that is still missing is the corporate hearing of My Counsel and specific will; I always speak to the elders of My People, but where are the elders of My People in this city? Where are the elders of My People in this region?”

(Speaking to Pastor Giovanni:)
There is a strategic move that needs to take place, and things are already in motion; keep moving in the direction where I am leading you by My Spirit, so that you may gather My elders, and then I will speak to you (all), as I spoke to My people Israel.

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