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This is a call to Strategic & Targeted Prayer at this time of the full moon of August 22, 2021
We are called to pray for ourselves, our families, our churches (local ecclesia), and the Body of Christ,
– to be and to stay cleansed and sanctified;
– to overcome all the forms of temptations and challenges that the enemy throws at us like “flaming arrows”;
– to push through for God’s power of resurrection that raised Jesus from the dead to become manifest in/through our mortal bodies and life.
This message is a prophetic prayer call by George E Markakis, Pastor, Shalom Apostolic Ministries. We asked Him to show us how to pray strategically, effectively, in a targeted way that would accomplish His Kingdom plans and purposes in the earth at this time of Darkness and Death.
We are presently going through very dark times. August 2021 is a particularly “evil day” (see Ephesians 6:13) in which we have been called to be on high alert and watch with perseverance, in prayer and intercession.
You may also watch an earlier 30-minute video message that explains a bit more about it:
August 2021 – this is an “evil day” – why? And, what is our response?
The core of the message is that the Lord identified the need and the urgency for the Power of Resurrection that raised Jesus from the dead to be unleashed to become manifest among His people. Said differently, the Lord is calling His Ecclesia on Earth to rise up in fervent and strategic prayer to release God’s Light in the midst of this season of Darkness & Death, which has manifested is so many ways recently.
The Power of Resurrection cannot be manifest in/through believers who are spiritually weak or limping because of falling to temptations and having been overcome by disappointment, discouragement, depression, disillusionment, and all forms of distractions that come by the spirit of the world.
In such a season of spiritual Darkness and manifestation of various forms of Death, the Lord is calling us to stand firm in our sanctification as when one is called to win a battle. Weak and limping Christians cannot stand up to the wiles of the devil merely because they believe and proclaim empty and fruitless theological precepts about God’s Love and Salvation, when at the same time our own heart condemns us for our failures; when our own heart bears witness to the truth of the accusations that are raised against us by the Accuser of the brethren before the Throne of God.
When we need to be running to the Throne of Grace to find forgiveness for our failures and a weakly life of faith that is full of unbelief, instead of running to the battlefield to confront the powers of wickedness in the heavenly places, we have already lost that battle, in which we did not stand up to fight. The enemy took that victory merely because we were absent from the battlefield, because we were weeping and repenting before the Throne of Grace for our failures and shortcomings.
There is a time for everything under the Sun, and this is not a time for weeping before the Throne of Grace. When the Taliban have overtaken an entire country and are enslaving millions of women for the rest of their lives; when people die to sudden illness or accidents, even Church leaders get hit in their health or other areas of life, family, ministry; this is NOT a season for empty words of theology to appease the soul and convince weakly Christians that Jesus loves them no matter what.
This is a season of WAR in the heavenly places, a time to stand up with boldness and holy aggression against the forces of Darkness and Death. Jesus said, “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). That is what this season and this time is for.
At the nightfall of Saturday 21 to Sunday 22 August it will be a time of full moon, the biggest full moon of the year; a time of rituals and worship of the forces of Darkness aiming at unleashing more “flaming arrows” against the Christians and the world.
While that has been a standard activity by the forces of Darkness, at the same time we read in the Bible how the Jews were called by God to be worshipping Him with music and celebration on the full moon.
Psalms 81:1 SING aloud to God our strength; Make a joyful shout to the God of Jacob. 2 Raise a song and strike the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the lute. 3 Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon, at the full moon, on our solemn feast day.