This is the 3rd part of this series of teachings on the threefold cord of Iniquity. To watch the previous two:
1st Part,: The birth of the threefold cord of Iniquity in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:10
2nd Part: Freedom from the 3fold cord of iniquity
For this series of brief messages go directly to Playlist:
BRIEF MESSAGES George E Markakis
All my video messages are available on my YouTube channel:
We closed the previous, 2nd Part of this teaching by saying that since I confessed and asked to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ from the threefold cord of iniquity that I had inherited, I did not have to struggle anymore with those sentiments, which was the desire to murder, to take revenge, and I was no longer filled with rage inside.
I was a genuine and committed believer, but it is not important if someone is a Christian or not. What matters is what manifests from within, Light or Darkness. Light cannot be where there is bitterness, unforgiveness, arrogance, envy, and every form of root of iniquity. The kind of “person” that we manifest, is the “person” who rules within and over us.
If we manifest such “persons” of Darkness as envy, jealousy, or hatred against our brother, we cannot at the same time manifest the Light of the world, who is the Son of God who gave His life to reveal God’s love, even for His enemies.
No Christian wants to manifest ‘persons” of Darkness, but many a time it seems impossible to be freed from our carnal nature, even though we repent and strive to get rid of it, but to no avail. In such cases, we need to be praying for the Lord to reveal to us what is the threefold cord that needs to be cut so that we overcome and be freed from the bondage that keeps us bound.
All our prayers are important, but to be cleansed, we need to call upon the Blood of Jesus concerning each specific uncleanness that defiles us. That is why it is important to confess each one of the three spirits that bind us as a threefold cord.
Otherwise, it is like going into the bathtub, but fail to rub on that part of our body which needs particular attention to be cleaned. Then we come out of the bathtub happy that we just had a bath. That is nice, but the dirty spot is still there, because we failed to rub it off until we are thoroughly clean.
1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. [lit. injustice].
John did not say that “we committed no sin”, but he said that “we have no sin”. We have the sin which we have inherited, even though we may have never committed that particular act of sin. It is like in my case; I was born with the spirit of murder, and therefore had the desire to murder inside of me, but I never committed an act of murder. So, if I say “I have no sin because I have never committed the act, I deceive myself. That is what John is saying.
However, when I confess the sin that dwells in me by birth, then the power as well as the desire of God to forgive all our sin becomes manifest. He is willing and able to cleanse us of all sin which is lurking and at work within us, including the sin which we never yielded to, and never committed as an act.
That is why John also said “to forgive us [our] sins and to cleanse us from all injustice”. What is this “injustice” that we need to be cleansed of? How is it different from the sin that needs to be forgiven? What is the relationship between this “injustice” and my acts of sin? Injustice is the nature of Darkness, which is work within me, to produce the acts of sin.
If a simple, generic prayer was sufficient for anything, it would then be enough to say a simple little prayer once and for all, and we would all be perfect. We’d say, “Lord, change me and make me like You”. That would suffice! We would not need to ever pray again, ever! We would all be “gods” by now!
Reality, however, is far from being so simplistic. By far most Christians are very much like our old, carnal person of sin more, than the new, born-again believing child of God. Therefore, there is a need to learn how to pray in a specific and targeted way, asking specifically for the things which we claim. It is obvious that generic and non-specific prayer misses the mark and bears little fruit.
When I confessed the specific three spirits which I had inherited, of murder, rage and revenge, apologised, asked for forgiveness, and called upon the Blood of Jesus to cleanse me from each one of them, I was immediately delivered from that bondage which kept me bound for years.