A Prophetic Perspective of Hanukkah in the setting of this year’s global pandemic; by George E Markakis, Pastor of Shalom Center, Athens Hellas (Greece). This is a 46-minute video taken out of the total of a 100-minute presentation at the “Hanukkah 2020 Congress” hosted by Bishop Claudio.
The overall theme of this speaker was “A Prophetic Perspective of this Feast” which you may watch here: https://youtu.be/oEBps0CGElo
Other shorter segments made from the whole:
George blowing the Shofar
Historical and Biblical significance of Hanukkah (30 min)
“Hanukkah” in John 10:22 The Feast of Dedication (9 min)
Prophetic Insight into the next year 2021 (5’ 30’’)